Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Camino de Santiago

We would like to welcome you to our blog regarding our upcoming trip to Spain. Judy and I will be walking the Camino de Santiago, a trail which stretches approximately 500 miles in its entirety, but we are opting for a more reasonable trek of 160 km or about 100 miles. We will be departing from a city in northern Spain called Leon and hopefully reaching our final destination city of Santiago in about 10 days. It is truly a leap of Faith thinking we can accomplish this endeavour, but since pilgrims have been doing this for over 1000 years I am sure with your thoughts, prayers, and best wishes we can pull this off.

We are hoping to update this as frequently as we can depending on the availability of a good wireless signal each day of our journey. We have been preparing for this now for the last couple of months, not knowing if we could pull the trigger on such a bizarre item found on our "Bucket List", but we finally committed to this and have been trying to accumulate all that goes with a trip such as this. We now have our packs, blister kits, moleskin, water bottles, ponchos, updated passports, hiking attire, and most especially our hiking boots. We are hoping to have approximately 100 miles on these life support units before we leave. We have been told that they will become our best friends. I am beginning to believe this statement already.

So stay tuned to our wonderful adventure and hopefully we can share this trip with you as well. With only our best wishes, we carry with us your thoughts and prayers to the Cathedral of St. James in Santiago. So it's Buen Camino for now.

Dave and Judy

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